Cleaning the Bathroom Part 2

Cleaning the Bathroom

8 Tips for cleaning the bathroom

Part 2

Monthly Cleaning

Every one or two months apply a general cleaning of the pipes in the bathroom with some special detergents as this will prevent some serious deposits of fat and hair. You can also clean the pipes on weekly bases with some available materials from the kitchen. Just pour half of glass with baking soda and immediately pour another half of glass with vinegar. This mixture will create a foam which should be left for a few minutes, afterwards pour a few glasses of hot water as this will completely remove the dirt.

Remove Dirty Soapy Foam

Overlays from a dirty and soapy foam might be removed with an acid solution made of white vinegar and water. It is always recommended to use gloves and at the end rinse well with a clean water.

Clean the Shower

If some of the small holes at the shower handset are filled with dirt, most likely the reason is the existence of a lime scale. You can clean it with vinegar – fill a plastic bag with vinegar and tie it securely having the shower handset inside the bag. Leave it for the night and in the morning clean with a brush and rinse well with water.

Clean Bathroom Toys

Take care of the children health and clean their bathroom toys with a solution made of water and vinegar – pour 1 glass of vinegar and 4 litres of water and soak the toys for 10 minutes. Take them out, clean with a sponge and leave to dry allowing some fresh air. Vinegar acid cleans dirt and works as a natural disinfectant.





Cleaning the Bathroom Part 1

Cleaning the Bathroom

8 Tips for cleaning the bathroom

Part 1

Bathroom is the premise which needs much more effort when cleaning comparing to the other premises of our property. The reason comes from the frequent usage of water, moist and the washing products. As the kitchen which should be frequently cleaned, it is a good idea to spend a few minutes on daily bases in the bathroom which will guarantee it’s clean and fresh condition. Besides all this, regular care will prevent the accumulation of harmful moulds and will provide a healthier environment for you and your family.

One minute a day

The easiest technique to keep your bathroom clean and tidy is to spend a few minutes on daily bases cleaning it. This is much less than half an hour per week. Just spend one minute every day after shower to wipe the bath and the sink. If you repeat this you will remove the dirty soapy water and prevent the lime scale deposits.

 Bathroom Curtains

 When you finish the shower or the bath do not pull aside the curtain and let it air dry. If you get one one end to the other end the water will dry between the folds of the curtain and cause accumulation of dirt and mold. Never leave towels hanging at the edge of the bath. Take them out or use a specially installed lever. If you have a shower cabin, after shower remove water with a cleaner for windows with a rubber tip at the end.

Allow Air to enter the Bathroom

As mentioned above,good ventilation is a general issue in the fight against mold. If you have a window it is enough to leave it open for a few minutes after shower, this will allow fresh air to enter the premise and reduce the excess moisture. If you don’t have a window you can use the ventilation system embedded in the wall.

Say NO to Mold

When we talk about a healthy environment in the bathroom, mold existence is always one of the major factors which migth ruin this general view and idea. Assuring an air circulation and reducing the moisture is a good start for avoiding the mold. When we have already the problem, you should use all the available methods to fight the problem.

As the gaps between the tiles are suitable for accumulation of mold you can clean them with a mixture of 10 parts of water and part of bleach or with some special detergents. To remove the leftovers use the bleach and water solution and don’t forger to use protective gloves.

Green Tips for Your Home

Curtains Cleaning

Even if we have nice curtains in a pretty good condition and just want to apply a slight re fresh there are some important issues which should never be applied in order not to damage the curtain condition. What is actually ruining curtains is the cleaning detergent / liquid which we are not able to remove completely after the cleaning. Curtains should be washed only with a really small amount of detergents and if they  are really dirty it is a good idea to soak them in advance. When washing curtains we should never apply softeners. To remove a laminated product if using a washing machine it is good to rinse two times before the last spin, stop the washing machine and rinse again.

Rug Cleaning

Of course if you want to have the job covered properly when it comes for a rug cleaning it is always a good idea to arrange professional services. However if you don’t have the time then there’s a simple solution and harmless way to refresh your carpets. First vacuum the carpet then sprinkle bicarbonate soda ( baking soda ) spread it with hands around the total rug area and leave it for a night. The next day just vacuum clean the rug. The result is surprisingly good, the colours are refreshed the odours are removed.

Quick Cleaning Tips


  • Your new groom will last longer if before usage you soak it in a warm soapy water.
  • White spot on a polished surface might be removed with a clean cloth dipped in alcohol and vegetable oil.
  • If you need am emergent spot removal for your mirrors and windows just mix a spoon with vinegar with a glass of water.
  • Carpet colours will improve if we apply some salt from the previous night and clean it gently with a soft wet cloth.

  • Flooring can be cleaned with a damp cloth dipped in cold water with glycerin (one tablespoon per cup of water).

  • To remove unpleasant smells from your room just clean the furniture with a wet cloth and vinegar.







 Spring Cleaning

When you feel the warm in the air and feel the sun rays then probably there’s the spring coming soon. With the season change it is necessary to apply a general cleaning for our property. Here are some practical tips for a spring cleaning which will facilitate your this years tasks.

List it up

No matter if its on paper or just in your mind you should have a list with the exact tasks involved in your spring cleaning. This will help you to plan your schedule and know where to start and finish. You should list your tasks by level of importance and mark these you do consider could slow the cleaning process. And be realistic – never be too exigent about deadlines because time limit failure will discourage you.

Create a Strategy

Once we have our list of tasks now we shoud create a strategy. For example once you clean a room don’t leave it and start work in some other of the premices. When you finsih the first room you will know that there’s one task less. Do not arrange ‘ trips ‘ between the premices – when you see a subject which should be in tha bathroom left on the coffee table in the living room just look around and make sure that there’s nothing extra left there. Depending on your strategy you can start with the largest or the smallest premice.

Equipment and Tools

You can not acomplish the spring cleaning mission without the correct equipment and tools. Make sure you have detergents, clothes from different materials, sponges, bags and mops. Put them all together in one place as this will save you plenty of time. Keep them close and don’t forget the gloves. Cleaning gloves will protect your skin from the detergents, dirt and the general spring cleaning.

General Cleaning

If you have some tasks you often ignore during the standard cleaning then spring cleaning is the perferct monent to finish what you have started. This will include window wash – you can ease yourself and use a brush with a special rubber tip which will remove water and foam without leaving traces.

Clean all electrical appliances – clean the air conditioner and computer from dust and remove stains and left overs from the fridge and oven. Some housewifes clean also the dishes left in the cupboards waiting to be used by soaking in a special cleaning solution. If you find broken dishes or glasses, just throw them away. Don’t surround  your self with useless things.

It is easy to organize things and group them according to their usage and nature. Children toys put in a special cage or basket, tools in a single box or briefcase, gardening tools in a basket or box.

Wardrobe Reload

The wardrobe needs more attention. Review it carefull and make a final desicion for the uselless items. You can use the LAH system – love, adore, hate. Clothes you adore put back and the one you hate just trow away or use for charity purposes. The one you love review again and apply to the other two groups.
If some of your clothes need to be repaired just figure out a deadline. You should put the spring and summer clothes to a front  position and the winter in a place reachable for the next winter. At the end deodorize the wardrobe or apply a small soap between your clothes.

A Final Touch

 After the spring cleaning is over it comes the time to apply a final touch and welcome the spring to your home. Surround yourself with the fragrance of spring flowers and enjoy the sun rays. Pull the curtains and open the windows. Reward yourself for the well done job with a  new acquisition (vase or bowl with an unusual shape or color tablecloth). Bring spirit and diversity with minimum resources.

Winter Cleaning Tips Part 2

Winter Cleaning Tips Part 2

Summer is a great time for late walks and spending long evenings outside with our friends and family. However with the season change we spend more and more time in front  of the TV and or on the internet. Winter cleaning is the perfect moment to make sure that all of the electrical devices are working fine. It is necessary to remove on permanent bases the dust from all the appliances because this will prolong their life and keep your internal home environment in a safety and healthy place. If you find out that something is not working just get rid of it and don’t regret. However cleaning TV, home theatre and in general every type of technique requires a specific understand. This understand will ensure the effective results of your cleaning. We do advice to review your vacuum cleaner extensions and use the smallest to remove the dust from the delicate parts of behind your tv or computer. When you finish vacuuming switch off the electricity and with a wet microfiber cloth wipe all the surfaces and electronic alliances. If you want to clean the keyboard of your computer just turn it down with the buttons and bump gently. You can also use a compressed air.

Mission Drawers

Certainly we spend more time at home during the winter and that’s why it is good to cover something beneficially – all of your drawers are filled with strange and sometimes useless objects. Sometimes we don’t even remember their origin. When we make a review it often seems that we don’t use the largest per cent. Just take the drawer out and put it on the table or on the floor. Turn on the TV at your favourite channel and prepare a small rubbish bag. First sort and view items and then organize everything you consider as needed for the future three years. The rest just throw away.

During the winter it is always important to monitor the levels of the humidity in all of the rooms. If you do have a limited ventilation trapping moisture then keep in mind that two months is considered as enough period to raise mold and this might bring serious problems especially if you have young children and elderly people leading to low immune system results. To prevent the negative results always ventilate the premises at least twice per day better in the morning and bedtime at least for 10 minutes. And be careful – never leave wet laundry in the same room you use for sleep. 

Winter Cleaning Tips

Winter Cleaning Tips
When the winter comes it seems that we pay more attention to the weather conditions and all the dirt we bring sometimes unconsciously from the outside. Good thing to remember is that with the season change we also change our outfit and shoes. Nice leather boots might seem as a gorgeous idea as new item to our closet, however sometimes we do forget about the specificity of the winter shoes. They all are made to be beautiful and also to prevent us from the cold and humidity. However shoes have also deep treads and they get filled with dirt and also snow when you walk on the street. You can imagine the condition of the show when you leave your shoes in a nice and warm place as your household. This why we should create a strict schedule for cleaning tasks we should apply in our property on regular daily bases. As an idea once we come back from work it is recommended to mop the floor in the corridor and common parts of the property. This will ensure that all the nasty dirt is safely kept outside you home environment and there’s no risk to bring it straight to your living room and even bedroom. Having a regular cleaning schedule is good to become part of the schedule for the whole family, because this is the way to get everyone involved and care for the condition of our home.
If you have a fireplace then its good to know that with the warm and comfort this pleasure also brings much more dust if comparing to the usual. When you open the grate thousands of small particles enter the room and become a part of the air you breath. Of course this does not mean that you should forget the comfort and change the adorable fireplace with a fake picture reminding you of the warm evenings. You should keep in mind that the dust is everywhere and just clean it on regular bases. Before the heating season check the whole system and if you doubt then look for a consult provided by professionals to confirm the condition if the fireplace. Needless to remind you that November is month when you would need a professional chimney sweep to take care of cleaning – it is imperative that before the first fire of the season.

If you warm your property mainly using an electricity supple, take care of all the electrical appliances and make sure that there’ s no dust. End of Autumn is the perfect time to refresh your property and make some decor innovations. Reversal furniture is a good idea to open space and allow the heat to enter the total area space.
If you use simple and cute mats outside your door better buy some new for the winter period and make sure that they are waterproof. The material will absorb melting snow and rain. If you share a large house and you have non carpeted floors you can buy some mats especially designed for internal use situating them in front of each room.

It is essential always to apply a mattress cleaning as the manufactures recommend this cleaning at least twice per year. Here’s one useful tip if the mattress is considered as new not older than 3 years- just turn up the “snowflake”, if older is better to search some professional services and advice.

Expecting Guests

What to do before Uncle Marvin and Aunt Georgia come to visit? Oh, they did mention the kids coming over, as well, right?

Is your home looking like a World War II barricade? Well, there are a few tips to help you tidy up faster without missing some crucial steps in your preparation.

  1. Make sure all appliances work properly, because you will most probably need them.
  2. Fix any plumbing problems. Nothing makes a worse appearance than a dripping faucet or water leaks from bathroom walls. It is important to maintain your home plumbing well in order to keep your place in a good and healthy condition longer.
  3. Tidy up and clean thoroughly. It is good that any cleaning would be done following the house repairs,  if any, so that you do not have to do it twice.
  4. Create a highlight of the evening. Think of something that can be the light motive of the visit, like, making BBQ in the open, or having interesting dinner ideas /including Italian/ French/ Russian/ Spanish etc. meals in the menu/. It is always a good sign when people memorize the evening for something interesting, and you can choose this thing in advance, leaving a good impression.
  5. Make your guests feel comfortable. Don’t fret over having so much old furniture or having such a small apartment. Your guests are not going to pay too much attention to those unless you make a big deal out of them. There is something that they will surely notice, though, and this is a clean set of sheets over the guest bed, a spare closet for their clothes, free hangers for their coats, etc. It is always a plus if you can think of something to keep the kids’ attention, like, an interesting game, or a movie, or providing a safe place for them to play during the visit. Also, try to ensure your guests some privacy, like making sure the guest room and bathroom doors closes properly.
  6. Have fun. After all, the main point of having someone over is to catch up and have a good time. If you are having a good time, your guests will most probably feel that and have fun, as well.

How to maintain kitchen appliance

Cleaning the kitchen is difficult and tricky as there are a lot of kitchen appliances that you should take care of, as well. Let’s see how to do it.

The dishwasher

The dishwasher’s job is to clean your dishes — but, ironically, it can get pretty dirty in the process of performing that function. Here’s how to keep your dishwasher as clean and fresh as your dishes:Baking soda helps when the dishwasher needs cleaning. Dip a cloth into the soda and use it to clean smudges from the exterior; the same method will also remove stains from the liner. Use a synthetic scouring pad to clean stubborn soil.

The fridge

Remember-do not use detergents with harmful chemicals, which shouldn’t interact with food. It is better to mix two tea spoons of soda with a liter of warm water and wipe the surface with this solution. To get rid of bad odor, settled in the refrigerator, you can also use baking soda. Put in an open box or dish with baking soda on one of the shelves. Wipe your refrigerator inside with a sponge soaked in vanilla extract to deodorize it.

The oven

Neither kind of oven should be cleaned with commercial oven cleaners because these products will damage the surface.

If you want to clean the oven naturally, prepare a paste of baking soda and water, apply to the surface and leave for several hours, preferably overnight. To quickly get rid of the burnt spots, gently scrape with metal scraper, and if that fails, sprinkle baking soda over the spots and add a few drops of vinegar. Once the vinegar make foam for a couple of minutes, rinse with water. Try to wipe the cooking surface from stains and grease every time you use it.

The microwave

Use a mild dishwashing detergent, baking soda or glass cleaner to clean the inside of the microwave.If your microwave is splattered with old sauces and greasy buildup, place a mixture, which contains one cup of water and one forth cup of vinegar, inside the microwave. Boil for three minutes, then remove it and wipe the oven inside, using a damp sponge. You’ll be surprised how effective is this trick.

Myths About Cleaning Companies

Cleaning the house is always a time-consuming task. Characterized by constant rushing, we often lack enough free time to do this. In fact, it is quite a luxury to spend a whole weekend cleaning.

So, here comes the role of cleaning services-their main purpose is to do this time-consuming task instead of you, saving you the time and energy.

But sometimes people are not willing to trust them because of some myths that we will now reveal.

  • The first myth is that letting strangers in your house is dangerous. Why you shouldn’t worry? Because we assure you that service staff carefully examines the potential of employees and hires only trust-worthy people. So, this is not like inviting strangers from the street in your place. Workers from cleaning companies are trained in specialized centers.
  • Another myth is that it is better to clean yourself or hire an acquaintant. Well, you can wipe the dust, clean the floor, but is unlikely without the professional methods and tools to remove all the stains. Clean services have a well-trained employees and an equipment that will make cleaning more effective.
  • Another myth is that this service is too expensive. For the money the workers from cleaning firms (organizations involved in cleaning the premises) will make your house perfectly clean. You can do it yourself, of course, but you will spend too much time and after calculating all the used detergent it wouldn’t probably be much cheaper. And after all-time is more precious than money, isn’t it?


Useful clean tips

It is a well-known fact that the hygiene of our home is of great importance. So if we want to live in a clean and healthy environment, we should be able to maintain it. Of course, the most efficient and time-saving method to do this is hiring a house cleaning service which will clean instead of you. But if you decide to handle the unpleasant task yourself, here are some useful tips:

  • Firstly, as we are aware how boring and annoying could be cleaning of the apartment, we suggest you to try making it more pleasant. You can achieve this by listening to rhythmic music, which will surely give you more optimistic attitude. If this isn’t enough, think about a reward you will give yourself for a well-done job – something that will motivate you.
  • Remember that it is important to start cleaning the rooms clockwise, from top to bottom. Your first task is to wipe the lighting. Then you should vacuum ceiling corners and remove the cobwebs if there are any. Second, clean the windows and wash the window curtains and don’t forget about the sills and radiators. If you have any flowers at home, take care of them and don’t forget to clean the flower pots as well.
  •   Then proceed with the furniture. You should clean and polish it not only outside, but inside, too. We are both aware how unpleasant can be some stains, made by food or drink on your beautiful sofa or chair. So, clean your upholstery with great care and attention to detail if you want it to look well. Blankets, pillows, mattresses and carpets should be cleaned and washed to prevent allergies. After finishing with the furniture, move it to the middle. In this way you will manage to clean the floor better.
  • After finishing with the floor, you are ready, so have a break and enjoy more pleasant activities.